Tutor in Theology
Email: r.sokolowski@spurgeons.ac.uk
Dr Roland Sokolowski attended Spurgeon’s College as a minister in training from 2007 to 2010 before serving in pastorate in first Crayford (London Baptist Association) and then Kettering (Fuller Baptist Church, Central Baptist Association). He is currently in joint pastorate at Warley Baptist Church (Heart of England Baptist Association) where he shares the responsibility with his wife Vicki, also an accredited Baptist minister.
Roland has broad theological interests that include apologetics, early church history and the theory and practice of mission. His doctoral study examines the doctrine of sin according to the early church writer Irenaeus of Lyons, presenting a ‘missional reading’. He has previously taught New Testament Greek and Christology at Spurgeons and is currently an associate tutor with responsibility for several undergraduate and masters modules online. He also teaches Baptist History and Principles on the Equip to Minister Course run from the Birmingham Hub.
When he is not theologising, Roland enjoys model-making, painting miniatures and inventing board games.