DipHE BD(Hons)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Email: h.stokley@spurgeons.ac.uk
Since 2019, Helen has been the Chief Operating Officer of Spurgeon’s College, working closely in her role with the Principal and the Board of Governors in leading the strategic development of the College. Founded in 1856 by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Spurgeon’s College is a leading theological College in the UK. It is the largest Baptist Bible College in Europe. Under Helen’s leadership, the College has achieved Full Degree Awarding Powers.
A former Finance Director for leading Christian book seller, 10ofThose.com, Helen undertook her Baptist Minister training between 2010 and 2013, on placement at Woodside Baptist Church whilst studying theology at Spurgeon’s College. She went on to serve as a qualified Baptist Associate Minister at Woodside for a further three years. Helen is also a trustee of the Retired Baptist Ministers Housing Organisation and co-founder and Director of Spatial Perceptions Community Benefit Society.
Within the Baptist Ministry, Helen has worked as part of Project Violet, undertaking comprehensive research to support the creation of a strong evidential base to promote greater access for women in ministry across the Baptist Union of Great Britain. As one of six researchers supporting this work, Helen’s survey of Baptist ministers was national in scope and very successful in securing a high response rate from relevant stakeholders, supporting the development of enhanced approaches to tackle barriers to women in ministry.
Helen has a first-class theology degree (Spurgeon’s College), a Diploma in Higher Education in German and History (University of Wales, Lampeter) and a Level 7 award in Leadership and Management (CMI). Her calling is to be “in business to do ministry” as she combines being a minister with her business and finance skills. Helen regularly preaches and is passionate about making God’s word understandable for those who hear it.