BSc (Econ.), BA (Th), MA (Christian Spirituality), DCM, Cert. Cross Professional Supervision.
Tutor in Pastoral Supervision
Colin is a Baptist minister with over 30 years’ experience, recently in a senior regional team leader role working with a range of church leaders. He has led three churches (Godstone, Fleet and Westbury on Trym) and a retreat/healing centre in Poole specialising in counselling and spiritual accompaniment. He has a doctorate in coaching and mentoring researching Mimetic Effect in Mentoring Baptist Ministers [Oxford Brookes University 2018]; see also Mimetic effect in mentoring: the contribution of shared transcendence values [International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2019].
He has been a pastoral counselling tutor and has training and 20 years’ experience in supervision and Ignatian-based spiritual direction. Colin’s work and ministry flow from a passion for accompanying leaders in the formation and development of healthy leadership and ministry. As part of this calling he is a founding member of the Order for Baptist Ministry.
More recently he has been stretched and energised by working half-time as a Wellbeing Assessor for Solent Mind alongside his portfolio work with leaders and churches in spiritual direction, supervision, mentoring and training.
Colin is married to Alison, an early-retired special needs deputy headteacher. They live in Barton on Sea and have three grown up children and three granddaughters.