Senior Research Fellow
Formerly Tutor in Practical Theology and Deputy Principal at the College, Chris Voke is semi-retired and works as a Senior Research Fellow of the College. Living with easy access to the College he has responsibility for the Chaplaincy units and various other duties. After several years in teaching and student work he studied at Spurgeon’s and then pastored two Baptist churches before appointment as a tutor in 1996. His doctoral research was on the subject of corporate worship and the doctrine of creation and he continues to think and write about contemporary Christian worship as well as framing liturgy for church and personal use, such as the recent Prayers of Great Traditions – a daily office. Present work includes writing up the first year Basic Hebrew unit in an online interactive format. He is married to Margaret and they have three children and six grandchildren. His primary leisure interest is music and since retirement he has resurrected a long-lost musical career, joining an amateur orchestra and forming a string quartet.

Some Recent Publications
Contributor to Ellis, C. & Blyth, M., (BUGB) Gathering for Worship, patterns and prayers for the community of disciples (Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2005)
‘Pastoral ministry – classical or communal?’ and ‘What theology for pastoral practice?’ in Pilli, T. & Riistan, A. (eds.), Church-based theology for ministerial practice; (Tartu: Tartu Theological Seminary, 2008)
Creation at Worship – ecology, creation and Christian worship (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2009)
‘Turning the frontier tide; a theological response to contemporary worship’ for The South African Baptist Journal of Theology (Vol. 18, Sept 2009
Leading Public Worship,Spurgeon’s College On-line (Module 8161), 2010.
Prayers of Great Traditions – a daily office, (London: Bloomsbury, 2013)
Church Training Initiative (Spurgeon’s College). Resource Pack: Using the Psalms in Personal Prayer(2013)
When I Grow Rich – a history of Shoreditch Baptist Church (Didcot: Baptist Historical Society, 2017)