BSc (Hons), DipTM, DipCoach, MCIPD
Tutor in Theology
Adrian is the co-founder, with his wife Laura, of Enabled Leaders – a ministry set up in 2020 to: ‘Enable, develop and support church leaders…for their whole leadership journey’.
After an early career in public sector management, he specialised in leadership development and gained more than 30 years’ experience of delivering training programmes and executive coaching for senior leaders across the sectors and across the globe. From 2004-2019, he was Senior Consultant for the world-renowned Roffey Park Institute, where he was Director of their Strategic Leadership Programme for seven years. He is still an associate of Roffey Park. In 2019, he set up his own business and campaign platform – the Deeper Leaders Collective – with the mission of developing leadership for a ‘kinder, fairer and more sustainable world’.
Adrian was a visiting lecturer at Spurgeon’s College for 10 years from 2011- 2021, delivering two lectures on Leadership each year on PMP3 – in recent years, with his wife Laura. In 2022, Adrian and Laura were appointed Teaching Fellows at Spurgeon’s College as part of a collaborative partnership between the College and Enabled Leaders and were asked to develop a new Unit on Effective Christian Leadership for the BA programme, which they have lectured on for the past two years. Since 2020, they have also been offering ‘Leadership Hubs’ to Spurgeon’s graduates to support them in their first years after graduation. Adrian is also an accredited coach on the CofE’s Strategic Leadership Development Programme. Adrian and Laura are both members of Streatham Baptist Church in South London, where they helped set up and lead a church plant in the 1980’s.
Adrian has spoken internationally on leadership and diversity and has written on leadership, diversity and resilience for HR and management journals, and has been quoted for his views on leadership in The Times, Sunday Telegraph and on Adrian is also the founder of the White Allies Network, a centre for education and action for those that aspire to be effective allies against racism.
In his spare time, Adrian enjoys squash, landscape photography, walking and kayaking. Adrian and Laura have three daughters and a granddaughter.
Recent Blogs and Articles
Stillness in Turbulence – A Meditation – Deeper Leaders’ Website, 15 December 2023
Fifty Shades of Grey – Retreat Reflections – Deeper Leaders’ Website, 10 January 2024
Lock, Adrian, The Agile Leader – Learning to Dance, Part 1 Strengthen your Core, (CPAS, July 2022) (downloadable pdf) [accessed 1 May 2024]
Lock, Adrian, The Agile Leader – Learning to Dance, Part 2 Learning some new moves, (CPAS, September 2022) (downloadable pdf) [accessed 1 May 2024]